Monday, May 13, 2013

Back At It

Sorry for the radio silence recently. It’s been a difficult winter. We have had lots going on with school for Will (by far his hardest semester), a few short family visits to VA and TX, and some rough winter weather.

I never thought I had Seasonal Affective Disorder, but this winter made me doubt that. I know this winter was especially difficult... Blizzard Nemo is not a routine occurrence around here... so it may not be the best context for my self-diagnosis. Even so, I didn’t realize how much I was craving spring weather and the opportunity to spend time outside until I felt like I deserved it. When Easter rolled around, I was more than ready to don a floral dress and celebrate new life in Jesus and in nature! But the chilliness continued. More snow. More shoveling (my sweet William regularly woke up extra early to shovel our parking area for me). More stressful commutes and cursing my low-to-the-ground Mini Cooper.

The commutes into work were wearing on me, and I didn’t even realize it. I would show up to work, grateful to be on-time(ish) and alive, but still very stressed out. I feel like it took me a solid hour to come down from the stress of the drive in. By then, I’m well into the busiest part of my day, and I would feel heavy with stress. My work days were no more stressful than usual, but my baseline stress level was so much higher from the weather that it took very little to put me “over the edge”. I would try to keep it together at work, not punishing my co-workers or patients with my attitude, but inevitably the stress would come out at home. I was short tempered and quick to despair about things. I just felt very … unlike myself.

Then... spring came :) Glorious spring. I felt lighter and lighter as the days grew brighter earlier each day. Not only am I driving on clear, non-snow-covered roads, but I can wear sunglasses and have the windows down. I listen to the news on the radio or a sermon on a CD, and I actually look forward to my commutes in the morning now. I’m so grateful for that change in heart and attitude. Learning this about myself was important, so hopefully I can anticipate this next year and be more mindful about counteracting the effects (especially for my poor, patient, sympathetic husband.)

So rather than narrating that dreary season on this blog, I thought I’d just skip it and do a few short recaps of fun things we did and what’s ahead for us! Here’s a preview of some posts to come:

- How We Handled Blizzard Nemo
- Celebrating Grandma Killmer’s 90th Birthday in Texas
- What’s Next for Will and Academia
- We Bought a New Car!
- Summer Plans (weddings, graduations, and short trips ahead!)
- Our Anniversary Trip to C’ville
- Thoughts on No Longer Being a Newlywed

I'll try to be more diligent about taking pictures this summer. I can't believe nearly a year has gone by since we've gotten married, moved up north, and started this season of our lives. I wish I had documented it better, especially via photos. So, while this is a picture-less post, I will attempt to take and incorporate more photos of our journeys.

More to come!


  1. Looking forward to seversl of those posts!!

  2. I remember those "in-the-bleak-midwinter" feelings too. Glad you endured the winter OK. Can't wait to see you two soon and hear/see more about your escapades. Love, Mom
